For four years now Bush and his cronies, his Republican sheep in Congress and our pathetic lapdog media have terrorized us with lies after lies after lies about weapons of mass destruction, "freedom" being on some march in Iraq, and "fighting them there so we don't have to fight them here." They have destroyed any sense of civil political discourse or debate in the process. They are on their side, everyone else is on the side of terrorists.
They continue to destroy. In fact, the American Republican party has become the most destructive force the planet has ever seen, and will continue to be unless the Republican Party itself is destroyed. Not just stopped -- destroyed.
People need to wake up and smell the fascism in order to organize. Organize to the extent that we have saturated the country with progressive networks, and nominate progressive candidates at every level of government in all geographic areas of the country, willing to stand up for progressive, liberal, and yes, conservative values. For not only have Republicans managed to negatively connote the term 'liberal' but they have also run away from conservative values as well. Of course this is liberal with a small 'l' and conservative with a small 'c,' for both describe good qualities in people. There is no 'liberal vs. conservative' because this confrontation put in the context of either-or is a moot idea. Most good and decent people are both liberal and conservative. Rather, our mass media have run with this either-or nonsense created by the Republican propaganda machine because it is the easy thing to do to make money. It is simple to grasp in these terms by most Americans.
Let's henceforth call what is obviously our great political confrontation what it really is: the political left vs. the political right. At present, the political right, i.e. Republicans, are headed toward the fascist/authoritarian side of the multi-faceted political continuum. This is dangerous for a free and liberal society. During the last century it was the Communists who were the ones doing this same sort of thing, only there were on the left.
More later...
Friday, October 20, 2006
Monday, October 16, 2006
RUN, elephant, RUN
See Iraq For Sale. Then ask yourself how these horrors were allowed to happen, and why, and why nothing is being done to stop the C.A.C.I.s, Blackwaters, Titans, and Halliburtons of this world.

Republicans are destroyers of hope, of joy, of life.
Republicans are killers.
Republicans are death.
Republicans are sickening.
Republicans are aliens from Hell.
They seek power for power's sake.
They have no soul.
They are small.
They are criminals.
They are cowards.
They are ghouls.
People, you need to watch "Iraq for Sale: The War profiteers," then go out and tell everyone you know to do so. Then run, RUN to the polls November 7th and vote them out. Done.

Republicans are destroyers of hope, of joy, of life.
Republicans are killers.
Republicans are death.
Republicans are sickening.
Republicans are aliens from Hell.
They seek power for power's sake.
They have no soul.
They are small.
They are criminals.
They are cowards.
They are ghouls.
People, you need to watch "Iraq for Sale: The War profiteers," then go out and tell everyone you know to do so. Then run, RUN to the polls November 7th and vote them out. Done.
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