"Some people argue that we're going to sit at a table with these people [insurance and drug companies] and they're going to voluntarily give their power away. I think it is a complete fantasy; it will never happen."This in a nutshell sums up my whole political philosophy. History bears this out time after time after time.
Monday, December 17, 2007
Why I'm Voting For Edwards
At the recent Democratic debates, regarding health care Edwards said:
Speaking of Oprah's fans and how they relate to Obama's hoped-for supporters, Frank Rich in his latest column says (pull the string, folks),
I thought it was supposed to be lattes! Damn, that's sooo...original!
This is hardly the chardonnay-sipping, NPR-addicted, bicoastal hipster crowd that many assume to be Mr. Obama’s largest white constituency.Hipsters sipping chardonnay? (Shipsters hipping sardonnay? Sipsters shipping harddonay? Whaaaaaaaaaaa?)
I thought it was supposed to be lattes! Damn, that's sooo...original!
Friday, December 07, 2007
Republicans: Destroying the Earth Since 1981
Yet another example of the stark differences between our two major parties: Senate Blocks Energy Bill. Republicans have shown themselves to be the unfeeling killers that they are: of common sense, of innovation, of solutions to problems i.e. climate change, of people (see Iraq War), of truth (also see Iraq War, and Iran's nuclear bomb nonexistence), of anything that is good. Are they really trying to lose big next year? I don't get it, but I hope so. The terrorist organization known as the Republican Party needs to be defeated, permanently.
Sixty Democratic senate seats next year. At least.
I'm tired of this.
Sixty Democratic senate seats next year. At least.
I'm tired of this.
Tuesday, December 04, 2007
Nasty-Ass Motherfuckers
Yesterday's revelation that U.S. intelligence knew in 2003 that Iran had no nuclear bomb program (see article in WaPo) just shows what cold-hearted killers we have in Bush, Cheney et. al. The fact that they would hide this until now, lying the whole time about Iran and threatening yet another illegal war, just for the sake of ego in the last miserable, pathetic year of this god-damned fascist administration, just reinforces the very real danger of having them around for another year. God-damn them. We must go back to the trials of Nuremberg for a comparison of the crimes these thugs have committed. And damn us for not getting these rats, these Goebbels's and Himmler's of this American regime, the justice they deserve. I used to just think that impeachment/removal from office was good enough punishment. Power is, after all, their thing -- THE thing, really, the only thing that matters to them. Take away that, and they're left squabbling like children. But no. People who kill this way, from comfortable chairs in comfortable offices with the mere stroke of a pen -- they do not, in any sense, deserve life. We witnessed the hanging of war criminals some 60 years ago, and though we cringe at the finality of death -- any death -- we still have a sense of peace that these killers, these nasty-ass motherfuckers who value production, abstraction, efficiency over the wonderful and awesome and enchanting thing that is life; who joyously participated in the misery and cruelty of other human beings -- got their ultimate due. They were hanged. Do we reflect back on their deaths with regret that we did this? Call me crazy, but I don't think so. Then what is it? I used to think, well, these were human beings, too, no need to go there, to go to that place which is rage, which "eats you up" inside, all the lies pacifists tell us that we then "become just like them." Bullshit. Bullshit, bullshit, bullshit! I can hate just as humanely, just as humanly, as I can love. And of course my hate for George W. Bush in no way negates my love for my family and friends. And I do hate him, for what he has done to us psychically and physically, killing souls, hopes, soldiers in Iraq -- killing everything that is wonderful about being human. But these killers kill remotely without seeing the physical consequences on the ground, face-to-face, close up. They are not human beings in the true sense at all, but rather anthro-machines, lumps of biomass that shrugged off any sense of humanity long ago and traded it for profit, wealth, power, all amassed from the exploitation of others. So is, then, locking them up in prison for life the answer? Is not this a form of taking away their lives? Is this cruel, being that cruelty and inhumanity is the real culprit here? The idea of punishment itself, of justice, of behavior modification through incarceration, which is really just a form of slavery, which IS cruel. So many questions of what to do with these people which could be a model of how we carry out justice humanly and humanely, to human monsters that are neither human nor humane.
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