Sit down, Reverend Wright, we've got someone who could really doom Obama's chances: Bren Dad Ickson, America's sexiest seductress on the most popular and important show in the world: The Young and the Restless. Watch this bombshell of an interview and you'll be completely convinced that Crazy John McCoot is our man!
See, I told you it would change the dynamic. Sit down, Hillary, no one will ever be as glamorous or as sexy as Bren Dad or McSame!
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Charlie Gibson and George Stephanopoulos: Go Fuck Yourselves
So add two more corporate hacks to the pile of people who just don't give a fuck about what ails this country, and don't bother to ask either Democratic candidate questions about what either of them will do about said ailments. Ailments such as, oh I don't know, the disastrous and unsustainably expensive occupation in Iraq, global climate change, our tanking economy. Of course, to them the only issues that matter are lapel pins (made in China, by the way), bowling scores, not raising the tax rate of Charlie Gibson's precious capital gains and 60's radicals. Not one fucking thing that's relevant to what's going on today.
These two pissants actually believe they are doing Really Serious Journalism. Shame on any American for taking them seriously, and shame on Hillary Clinton for going along with and egging on these attacks that came straight from Karl Rove. Now we have the likes of Gibson, Russert, Mattews and yes, Katie Couric bending over backwards to frame all questions asked of Obama (let's face it, he'll be the goddamned nominee) as the "Republican" party would want them framed.
Who needs the Republican attack machine when you have freak shows like last night's debate? Who needs Swift Boaters? Hell, why don't we just install John McCain as President right now and do away with all of the nonsense? Go right ahead, America! "Elect" John McCain, see what you get. Do you like Bush? 'Cuz you'll LOVE John McSame! Hmm, you say you think the Iraq war was a mistake and think we should get out soon. Well of course, elect John McCain and you'll get the opposite. The economy? Oh now please you can't possibly think it will get any better as long as we're spending ten billion dollars a week throwing it away in Iraq, with nothing to show for it? Of course, the solution to that is electing John McCain to spend even MORE money there, for an even longer period, with war in Iran thrown in for good measure. Is that what you want, America? GO AHEAD AND DO IT! I FUCKING DARE YOU!
These two pissants actually believe they are doing Really Serious Journalism. Shame on any American for taking them seriously, and shame on Hillary Clinton for going along with and egging on these attacks that came straight from Karl Rove. Now we have the likes of Gibson, Russert, Mattews and yes, Katie Couric bending over backwards to frame all questions asked of Obama (let's face it, he'll be the goddamned nominee) as the "Republican" party would want them framed.
Who needs the Republican attack machine when you have freak shows like last night's debate? Who needs Swift Boaters? Hell, why don't we just install John McCain as President right now and do away with all of the nonsense? Go right ahead, America! "Elect" John McCain, see what you get. Do you like Bush? 'Cuz you'll LOVE John McSame! Hmm, you say you think the Iraq war was a mistake and think we should get out soon. Well of course, elect John McCain and you'll get the opposite. The economy? Oh now please you can't possibly think it will get any better as long as we're spending ten billion dollars a week throwing it away in Iraq, with nothing to show for it? Of course, the solution to that is electing John McCain to spend even MORE money there, for an even longer period, with war in Iran thrown in for good measure. Is that what you want, America? GO AHEAD AND DO IT! I FUCKING DARE YOU!
Monday, April 14, 2008
Hey Chris Matthews, How Was Your Breakfast at the RITZ?
One's immediate reaction to the drivel passed off for political discourse in the media these days could quite justifiably be anger. Or instant psychosis, take your pick - I don't really care. When Chris Matthews derided Obama for passing up coffee for orange juice at an Indiana diner last week it was the epitome of stupidity, i.e. what passes for news in the minds of some network suits. No, not that the top members of the Bush administration personally signed off on specific types of torture. No, that would be relegated to page A17 of the New York Times and NEVER talked about on cable news. But Obama being bad at bowling and drinking orange juice: THAT's front page news!
Chris Matthews is no more qualified to talk about what "regular folks" (NOT college students, THEY don't count, of course, in his mind) think and talk about than he has the ability to be critical of John McCain. Well, how could he, living in a bubble, staying and eating every day at the Ritz Carlton Hotel, in NEW YORK CITY? Hey Chris, I'd like to know the contents of your breakfast and if any of them included any citrus juice, you elitist fuck.
Really it's getting hard to get angry at this shit any more because it is happening ALL THE FUCKING TIME. Rather the appropriate response would be to make fun of people like Matthews ever single time he or anyone like him comments on such trivialities this way. Is this how Election '08 is going to be covered from now on, is this how it's going to be? Because really, we should just give it up and declare crazy John McCoot pres'nit already. What's the point of campaigning at all, or even DISCUSSING any real issues. It's all about the ORANGE JUICE! How could I have forgotten?
Here's the clip of Tweety at his best:
Chris Matthews is no more qualified to talk about what "regular folks" (NOT college students, THEY don't count, of course, in his mind) think and talk about than he has the ability to be critical of John McCain. Well, how could he, living in a bubble, staying and eating every day at the Ritz Carlton Hotel, in NEW YORK CITY? Hey Chris, I'd like to know the contents of your breakfast and if any of them included any citrus juice, you elitist fuck.
Really it's getting hard to get angry at this shit any more because it is happening ALL THE FUCKING TIME. Rather the appropriate response would be to make fun of people like Matthews ever single time he or anyone like him comments on such trivialities this way. Is this how Election '08 is going to be covered from now on, is this how it's going to be? Because really, we should just give it up and declare crazy John McCoot pres'nit already. What's the point of campaigning at all, or even DISCUSSING any real issues. It's all about the ORANGE JUICE! How could I have forgotten?
Here's the clip of Tweety at his best:
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Hillary Clinton Political Suicide Watch, Day 39
Oh, Christ, here we go again. Hillary has once again resorted to assisting John McCain in trying to take down Obama. Once again, she's wrong. Obama was speaking at a campaign rally in Indiana, saying that people were bitter and fed up with politicians saying that everything will be better someday. The key word that the McCoot campaign and their surrogates in the Clinton campaign cherry-picked from Obama's rally was "cling." That people cling to guns and religion and anti-immigrant sentiment in tough times. This is so close to the truth it hurts. And it hurts people like Clinton the most because she feels the same way, probably more so. Her contention that people that "she has met" in Pennsylvania are optimistic, "hard-working" folks and not at all bitter is truly laughable. I know people who live and Pennsylvania and they're not all so "hard-working." As if people in cities like New York and Chicago aren't. Fuck that shit because we work way harder here in the big cities than anyone else. We happen to play harder as well, and yes sometimes that includes sipping a latte or two. Maybe you project too much, Senator Clinton, given you have made a bundle these past eight years and have no reason not to be sunny and optimistic. Obama probably should have chosen a different word, given that our easily-distracted-from-real-news media is so obsessed with any little sleight Obama might have said and somehow thinks this more important than John McCain's dangerous and absurd statements about Al Qaeda training in Iran. But no, we live in lala land and everything that should be front-page news is relegated to page A17 in the "newspaper of record." Who are these so-called "hard-working folks" in Pennsylvania and Ohio and why are they more important than people in Vermont, Maine, Colorado and Illinois? Or than people in New York, LA, San Francisco or Chicago?
Being away from news and politics the past three days, it seems I haven't missed much. Iraq still burns and people are dying, people are struggling here and dying from lack of health insurance, but the media wants to pounce on shit like this story instead. It's truly disgusting.
The Democratic race would be fine if both candidates turned their attention to hitting and defining John McCain before the general election campaign heats up. But no. It seems that Senator Clinton wants to bloody up Obama and assist John McCain in the process no matter what. Is this a way of vetting Obama for the general election? Each day she pulls stunts like this it becomes harder and harder to believe that, and the more she does this sort of thing the harder it is for Obama to recover when he does eventually get the nomination.
Being away from news and politics the past three days, it seems I haven't missed much. Iraq still burns and people are dying, people are struggling here and dying from lack of health insurance, but the media wants to pounce on shit like this story instead. It's truly disgusting.
The Democratic race would be fine if both candidates turned their attention to hitting and defining John McCain before the general election campaign heats up. But no. It seems that Senator Clinton wants to bloody up Obama and assist John McCain in the process no matter what. Is this a way of vetting Obama for the general election? Each day she pulls stunts like this it becomes harder and harder to believe that, and the more she does this sort of thing the harder it is for Obama to recover when he does eventually get the nomination.
Sunday, April 06, 2008
Wednesday, April 02, 2008
Hillary Clinton Political Suicide Watch, Day 29
Harold Ickes. Who the fuck is this douchebag? First of all, the name. Ickes. It's pronounced IK-eez. Yeah, no shit. Fucking arrogant, entitled white people strike again. Now it's Hillary Clinton's adviser and long-time friend Ickes going to the superdelegates and telling them that Jeremiah Wright could be an issue, just so ya know, wink wink nod nod. Fuck you, you icky bastard. Why not just lay it out on the table? What is it that everyone's so afraid of? Well, what the Clinton people are afraid of is that people will think Jeremiah Wright is too "black" for them and won't vote for Obama because of this guilt-by-association bullshit. It's exactly the same bullshit the network media is pushing, and now it's got the Clinton people all scared. Fuck this shit. Let Obama run and let him tell his story. No one can honestly believe that Obama is responsible for what his former pastor has said. This whole fucking episode reveals the inherent racism of Clinton's campaign staff. DID YOU NOT LISTEN TO OBAMA'S ELOQUENT AND GROUNDBREAKING SPEECH ON RACE? DO YOU NOT YET GET THAT WE REALLY DO HAVE TO TALK ABOUT RACE IN THIS FUCKING COUNTRY?!
Not only do the Clintons not understand the positive, electric, organic, inspiring phenomenon that is Barack Obama's candidacy they are actively trying to undermine it. And they have no shame. No. Fucking. Shame. I don't care what the polls say about match-ups with Don McSame at this point. The fact is that a united Democratic Party behind Barack Obama will carry him to the presidency. Period.
Democrats as a party have got to start having debates on the fundamental tenets of American Fascist -- also popularly known as Republican -- philsophy. Especially on matters of foreign policy, i.e. "national security" which is anything but these days. No, John McCain, you are NOT qualified to be president on ANY metric, ESPECIALLY matters of foreign policy and national "defense." It is precisely your views on this topic which relegate you to the loony bin. Your view, Senator, is that every international crisis is to be solved by dropping American bombs on other countries and then invading and occupying them. I'm sorry, but when you break your arguments down to the basics and get down to what the reality of them imply, that is what you are saying. This is nothing short of suicide, and we are seeing it now played out in Iraq. And you want to stay there for the next one hundred to ten million years? Of course, this philosophy of bomb first, ask questions later is boilerplate "Republican" philosophy, isn't it, Senator? And you are merely just following orders from on high up the Bush totem pole aren't you, Senator? You're as much as a maverick as I am King of Antarctica, you warmongering bastard.
But no, the media and Hillary Clinton and John McCoot and George W. Bush would have everybody believe that the only "serious" foreign policy is a pro-war, pro-US empire blame-everyone-else foreign policy. What, you don't believe me? Go turn on CNN and MSNBC and PBS and NPR, National Pentagon Radio, and you'll see who they qualify as Very Serious People talking foreign policy. If they are anti-Iraq War, they are not "serious." If they are pro-war but criticize the "tactics" they are serious. This, despite two-thirds of the country feeling that the Iraq war was a mistake.
With each passing day, Obama gains more delegates than Clinton. And yet it is Obama that gets treated like he's got to "prove" something. Got Racism?
Clinton's shenanigans are nothing short of cowardice. Must act like White men, they say. Everyone will vote for McCain if Obama's the nominee because he is not White enough. Well then, for fuck's sake, let them. Let's see who in November is truly racist, and let's out them. Let's also see if enough racists exist out there to nudge General McCoot into office. If that's the case, if Obama, with all the right remedies that ails this country, in line with all the negative opinion about the Iraq occupation and a plan to get us out, in line with most all of public opinion on almost any given issue - and given the fact that a generic Democrat beats a generic Republican by 15 points in polls - if after all that Americans still vote for a third Bush term and for a crazy old white guy, then you can have your fucking country, American citizens, because I want out. The government can thus commence its Official Fascism and purge all the undesirables from the population. Uh, for all you dense motherfuckers, that would be gays, progressives, intellectuals, certain undesirable African Americans -- you know, the ones that act too "black." Sianara, land of the free, home of the brave. Well, actually, we're not really home of the brave, since everyone is afraid of the latest fake terror threat, gay marriage or of the black pastor of the week. Or all of the above, it doesn't really matter. Everyone is just afraid.
Not only do the Clintons not understand the positive, electric, organic, inspiring phenomenon that is Barack Obama's candidacy they are actively trying to undermine it. And they have no shame. No. Fucking. Shame. I don't care what the polls say about match-ups with Don McSame at this point. The fact is that a united Democratic Party behind Barack Obama will carry him to the presidency. Period.
Democrats as a party have got to start having debates on the fundamental tenets of American Fascist -- also popularly known as Republican -- philsophy. Especially on matters of foreign policy, i.e. "national security" which is anything but these days. No, John McCain, you are NOT qualified to be president on ANY metric, ESPECIALLY matters of foreign policy and national "defense." It is precisely your views on this topic which relegate you to the loony bin. Your view, Senator, is that every international crisis is to be solved by dropping American bombs on other countries and then invading and occupying them. I'm sorry, but when you break your arguments down to the basics and get down to what the reality of them imply, that is what you are saying. This is nothing short of suicide, and we are seeing it now played out in Iraq. And you want to stay there for the next one hundred to ten million years? Of course, this philosophy of bomb first, ask questions later is boilerplate "Republican" philosophy, isn't it, Senator? And you are merely just following orders from on high up the Bush totem pole aren't you, Senator? You're as much as a maverick as I am King of Antarctica, you warmongering bastard.
But no, the media and Hillary Clinton and John McCoot and George W. Bush would have everybody believe that the only "serious" foreign policy is a pro-war, pro-US empire blame-everyone-else foreign policy. What, you don't believe me? Go turn on CNN and MSNBC and PBS and NPR, National Pentagon Radio, and you'll see who they qualify as Very Serious People talking foreign policy. If they are anti-Iraq War, they are not "serious." If they are pro-war but criticize the "tactics" they are serious. This, despite two-thirds of the country feeling that the Iraq war was a mistake.
With each passing day, Obama gains more delegates than Clinton. And yet it is Obama that gets treated like he's got to "prove" something. Got Racism?
Clinton's shenanigans are nothing short of cowardice. Must act like White men, they say. Everyone will vote for McCain if Obama's the nominee because he is not White enough. Well then, for fuck's sake, let them. Let's see who in November is truly racist, and let's out them. Let's also see if enough racists exist out there to nudge General McCoot into office. If that's the case, if Obama, with all the right remedies that ails this country, in line with all the negative opinion about the Iraq occupation and a plan to get us out, in line with most all of public opinion on almost any given issue - and given the fact that a generic Democrat beats a generic Republican by 15 points in polls - if after all that Americans still vote for a third Bush term and for a crazy old white guy, then you can have your fucking country, American citizens, because I want out. The government can thus commence its Official Fascism and purge all the undesirables from the population. Uh, for all you dense motherfuckers, that would be gays, progressives, intellectuals, certain undesirable African Americans -- you know, the ones that act too "black." Sianara, land of the free, home of the brave. Well, actually, we're not really home of the brave, since everyone is afraid of the latest fake terror threat, gay marriage or of the black pastor of the week. Or all of the above, it doesn't really matter. Everyone is just afraid.
Tuesday, April 01, 2008
Hillary Clinton Political Suicide Watch, Day 28
So today we have Senator Clinton going on the air in North Carolina, Indiana and Montana saying that she doesn't know why Obama and his supporters don't "want to prevent people from voting" in upcoming elections. This, exactly two days after Obama himself explicitly stated that Hillary Clinton can campaign as long as she wants and that he's just fine with it.
Here's the video:
Here's the video:
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