The US needs to seriously consider amending the First Amendment so that hate speech is banned. If it can work in a liberal democracy such as Germany then it can work here. Clearly the intent of these marches is to stoke fear and hatred and NOT a civil debate -- why should good, civil communities have to allow them to begin with? There needs to be an investigation into how and why the city of Charlottesville ever even allowed these thugs to march with torches and guns to begin with.
The US must also reconsider the Second Amendment in light of the fact that so many of the right-wing groups were armed to the teeth because Virginia, like too many states, allows open carry of weapons for ages 18+. The intent of 2A was never to allow the private ownership of arms, but a "well regulated militia". Tell me where any regulation is these days, let alone well-regulated militias "necessary for the security of free States". The model for this type of society could be Australia where all firearms have to be registered and levels of violent crime are much lower.
Unfortunately the US is an armed, violent, and racist society where in too many states "free speech" is basically an excuse to incite riots. And now a woman is dead. And the Trump-supporting white supremacists are emboldened.
Unfortunately the US is an armed, violent, and racist society where in too many states "free speech" is basically an excuse to incite riots. And now a woman is dead. And the Trump-supporting white supremacists are emboldened.
What kind of society do we want?