So many crises, so little time. Will Fortress D.C. morph into troops on every corner? Trump's bible stunt showed cowardice if anything, yet it was still brazen. Bizarre. Yet all autocracies are marked by the bizarre, as Chris Hedges points out.
We look to Biden for our electoral salvation. It's all we have left. Once again, some of the old guard come out publicly for the Dem (presumptive) nominee. And none of the actual elected thug-lick-cans do a damn thing to stop the orange blob.
The question will be how much this makes a difference. Plenty of mainstream Rs voted for Hillary but where did that go? I'm not going to be cynical here - Biden is NOT Clinton, and every election is different for obvious reasons. It's just that the old guard of the 'GOP' is a vanishingly small number of people who've been completely sidelined and whose credibility is shot to hell. Not unlike many old guard Dems, who seem to feel that not being Trump is enough to win. How'd that work out for us? No, if Biden's going to win it won't be because George Will, et. al. voted for him, it'll be because he managed to run a competent campaign that speaks to the actual things that ail us. Yes, and because Trump goes out of his way to be just such a monster, and that that speeding train has just started brakelessly down a steep hill with oil-slicked rails.