Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Stupid Tuesday: The Real Loser Is Critical Thinking

Hillary Clinton's smear tactics and hush campaigns attacking Obama's non-existent Muslimism worked, apparently. Texas, Ohio and Rhode Island voters were largely duped into voting not based on a hard look at each candidate's record or at each candidate's message but by fear-mongering attack ads on the Tee Vee. Clinton took advantage of the uneducated masses in both Ohio and Texas to smear her way to small but important victories. That's the long and short of it as I see it. Obama didn't counterattack forcefully enough because that's not his style quite frankly. The sad outcome of this is that no one is any smarter from this, and Ohio voters, for all their anti-NAFTA bitterness, seem to forget that Bill Clinton, with Hillary's tacit approval, was the one who enacted NAFTA into law. Oops! Jesus these people are dupes. Really. They voted for George W. Bush twice, and if Hillary has anything to say about it she will do enough damage to the eventual Democratic nominee (including herself should she snatch it away from voters) that Ohio will once again vote against their interests this November. Good, going, Hillary. I'm sure you must be really proud of your "victory." As for Obama he now has to go negative against Hillary. He's a somewhat damaged candidate now. They both are.

I guess it's up to the superdelegates to decide this now. They should do the right thing and get behind Obama, and fast. The intra-party ugliness just cannot continue.

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