Tuesday, March 24, 2009
A Word on the Strip-Search Article
I'm still reeling from that Times article. My first take on it is that this scares me. The persons calmly defending the school's actions toward this poor girl are disgusting scraps of human filth. No, they are not human. I can't stress how much this freaks me out. What if my neice went through this same ordeal? If I ever found out such a thing happened I would personally drive to her school, find the parties involved physically hurt them.
I find the tone of this article much much too calm. How can anything like this happen here? What if the Supreme Court finds for the defendants? What more harm will this fucking destructive culture do in its unquenching thirst for control -- of our bodies, our landbases, our minds, our souls? How do we stop this?
How do we want to live?
I find the tone of this article much much too calm. How can anything like this happen here? What if the Supreme Court finds for the defendants? What more harm will this fucking destructive culture do in its unquenching thirst for control -- of our bodies, our landbases, our minds, our souls? How do we stop this?
How do we want to live?

Two things that pop out at me reading this, and that serve to remind us of how far our culture his slipped into madness: strip-search and zero-tolerance.
Is this how we want to live?
The school district, the principal, Kerry Wilson, the dissenting judge in the 9th Circuit, Michael Daly Hawkins, have no shame in their contempt for humanity, especially that of this girl, who was 13 at the time of the strip-search. They need to be publicly shamed and thrown feces on. She was only god-damned thirteen fucking years old, you monsters! Strip-searched on the mere presumption she was carrying prescription painkillers? Prescription painkillers, for Christ's sake! Oh, I really don't even have to mention that she had no prior record of "drug use." That is to say that those in authority never caught her using her freedom to use her body as she wishes, which is what a sane culture would value.
This makes me angry, so very angry. The fact that there would be ANY strip-search policy and the fact that we have such draconian and oppressive drug laws to begin with are nauseating in the least.
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Deep Thought
A quinquamilli-millillion (that's pronounced kwin-kwah-mill-ee-mill-ill-yun) = 10 ^ 3,000,015.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Larry Summers Has Got To Go
Talk about a fuckstorm of the obvious. This guy was a disaster from the start. So AIG has to give out the bonuses because of some idiotic contracts? Were the UAW workers able to keep their salaries from being cut because of these things called "contracts"? You're god-damned right they weren't.
As for Geithner, he should go next if he doesn't clean up his act soon and get with the no-bonuses-for-thieves program. Jesus Christ this stinks.
As for political fall-out, the only threat to Obama's presidency should be from the left. To see this fake anger coming from corporatists like Richard Shelby is a total ruse. The "GOP" puke party is about as useful an opposition to this bailout mess as an arsonist is to help put out the fire he started. No, we don't live in that sane country that used to exist circa 1933. This two-party system is a sham and a failure; it has become too dangerous a thing to continue. If the Obama Fail = Republican Electoral Success meme is allowed to maintain monopoly status, well then, say good-bye to all of this "democracy" stuff and say hello to outright plutocracy. Yet that is where we live -- a place NOT where (sanely) opposition comes from the left in the form of, say, pusing for temporary nationalization of failed banks and other businesses -- but a place where the opposition fakes populist outrage and then when installed in power totally guts any and all regulation, taxation and fairness for those who need it most. Yes, that would be what we insanely and wrongly call the "Republican" party.
Topic: Republicans neither want a republic nor "can" do anything helpful. Discuss!
As for Geithner, he should go next if he doesn't clean up his act soon and get with the no-bonuses-for-thieves program. Jesus Christ this stinks.
As for political fall-out, the only threat to Obama's presidency should be from the left. To see this fake anger coming from corporatists like Richard Shelby is a total ruse. The "GOP" puke party is about as useful an opposition to this bailout mess as an arsonist is to help put out the fire he started. No, we don't live in that sane country that used to exist circa 1933. This two-party system is a sham and a failure; it has become too dangerous a thing to continue. If the Obama Fail = Republican Electoral Success meme is allowed to maintain monopoly status, well then, say good-bye to all of this "democracy" stuff and say hello to outright plutocracy. Yet that is where we live -- a place NOT where (sanely) opposition comes from the left in the form of, say, pusing for temporary nationalization of failed banks and other businesses -- but a place where the opposition fakes populist outrage and then when installed in power totally guts any and all regulation, taxation and fairness for those who need it most. Yes, that would be what we insanely and wrongly call the "Republican" party.
Topic: Republicans neither want a republic nor "can" do anything helpful. Discuss!
Friday, March 13, 2009
Memo To MSM: Stop Lying To Us
I hear that right-wing propagandists FOX News and some at MSNBC are pimping out a survey by the WSJ of "economists" who overwhelmingly disappove of Obama's job performance. It turns out these "economists" are all conservatives. Really?
Here's my message to the MSM: go fuck yourselves. After 9/11 George W. Bush sat on his ass and told us all to go shop, then put out fake terror alerts to scare the shit out of us. And all you could do, all you ever did for four fucking years, was cheer him on, and anyone who crticized him was deemed a traitor. And now that we have a president who's trying to tackle the biggest finacial crisis in 100 years all you can do is attack him? Who the fuck ARE you people? Get the fuck off my TV screen.
Here's my message to the MSM: go fuck yourselves. After 9/11 George W. Bush sat on his ass and told us all to go shop, then put out fake terror alerts to scare the shit out of us. And all you could do, all you ever did for four fucking years, was cheer him on, and anyone who crticized him was deemed a traitor. And now that we have a president who's trying to tackle the biggest finacial crisis in 100 years all you can do is attack him? Who the fuck ARE you people? Get the fuck off my TV screen.
Jon Stewart, You Are a God
Sometimes I'm not sure Jon Stewart knows just how fucking important he is. So please, let this continue:
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 1
The Daily Show With Jon StewartM - Th 11p / 10c
Part 2
Part 3
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Madoff As Metaphor
I don't think anyone realizes the true meaning of the Madoff scam.
Well, of course, this is what "conservative" rule has wrought, as author Frank Thomas would most likely agree. What would one expect from Bush's SEC? Actual regulation?
We had better realize, and fast, that Republicans specifically and conservatism in general--as we know it in the USA--are the equivalent of wrecking balls quickly turning our Enduring American Experiment into one giant Plutocratic Ponzi scheme. Bush was just the starting point of the destruction.
End the Republican Party, end the idea of "conservatism" as a legitimate governing philosophy, and do it fast.
Well, of course, this is what "conservative" rule has wrought, as author Frank Thomas would most likely agree. What would one expect from Bush's SEC? Actual regulation?
We had better realize, and fast, that Republicans specifically and conservatism in general--as we know it in the USA--are the equivalent of wrecking balls quickly turning our Enduring American Experiment into one giant Plutocratic Ponzi scheme. Bush was just the starting point of the destruction.
End the Republican Party, end the idea of "conservatism" as a legitimate governing philosophy, and do it fast.
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