Two things that pop out at me reading this, and that serve to remind us of how far our culture his slipped into madness: strip-search and zero-tolerance.
Is this how we want to live?
The school district, the principal, Kerry Wilson, the dissenting judge in the 9th Circuit, Michael Daly Hawkins, have no shame in their contempt for humanity, especially that of this girl, who was 13 at the time of the strip-search. They need to be publicly shamed and thrown feces on. She was only god-damned thirteen fucking years old, you monsters! Strip-searched on the mere presumption she was carrying prescription painkillers? Prescription painkillers, for Christ's sake! Oh, I really don't even have to mention that she had no prior record of "drug use." That is to say that those in authority never caught her using her freedom to use her body as she wishes, which is what a sane culture would value.
This makes me angry, so very angry. The fact that there would be ANY strip-search policy and the fact that we have such draconian and oppressive drug laws to begin with are nauseating in the least.
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