Ah, so many good times! Good Times!! Gas has gone up another 6 cents. A big storm came through. All this while sipping screwdrivers at the Urge! AND, Jeff and I found a new spot to go hang out and read and relax. We went down to Battery Park, at the South Cove, where there's a wooden dock/park and benches, and everything was lovely and quiet. Jeff read 52 pages and I read a really good article on Thom Yorke from Radiohead making his first album mostly by himself, although he prefers not to call it "solo." Also, Radiohead will come out with new songs soon, although the format is yet to be determined, and how they will distribute it is anyone's guess 'cause they are no longer signed with EMI or any other record company which I think is fabulous.
Okay, enough for now.
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I read 52 pages in a design book, which is like 10 in any other. Just for full disclosure.
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