A big round of applause goes to John Edwards for showing the way progressive politics needs to be played. He has steered the "debates" toward a more substance-based, issue-oriented dialogue that really have spotlighted where everyone stands. He has moved Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama toward the progressive side, confronting them to be more forceful in committing to pull out of Iraq, getting universal health care and getting tough with corporations who would steal, murder and plunder us. Kudos to John for his grace and fighting style, for inspiring us to believe that yes, politicians sometimes do get what's important. The race would not have been what it is without him.
I am now throwing my full support behind Barack Obama because I think he is the one who has most listened to Edwards' message. Obama has also given me confidence that he will stick up for gays, and has learned from his past mistake of appearing with an anti-gay gospel singer. The enthusiasm surrounding Barack is very palpable, and I cannot pretend that doesn't affect me. I remember Bill Clinton doing the same to me in 1992 - I only wish he could see what is going on right now and just chill the fuck out. I'm afraid he'll mostly be remembered for his self-absorption and for Don't-Ask-Don't-Tell, not the incredibly important budget battle he won in 1993, which wound up getting us out of deficits; or creating 20,000,000 new jobs, with economic growth that made the record books. Sadly none of that matters any more to our amnesiac and childish corporate media, who now refer to the presidential race as the "ballot bowl" and keeps repeating the lie that "the surge is working." Thanks a lot, CNN, for getting more soldiers killed in Iraq while you pretend you "like" Barack Obama. We all know what's coming, and it ain't challenging John "100-more-years-in-Iraq" McCain to point-by-point explain his war-mongering statements. You LOVE John McCain and would LOVE for him to start EVEN MORE wars! Prove me wrong you stinking bunch of douchebags!
Well, it's off to Super (-"douche-per") Tuesday and hoping Obama can pull it off. So far it's looking good.
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