Now the Clinton campaign has weighed in, denying any connection to the story or that anyone emailed this (funny that they'd mention "email") to Drudge. They are becoming more shrill by the minute I'm afraid. Maggie Williams, the "new" campaign manager, betrayed her (and maybe the Clinton campaign's) foreign policy ignorance by characterizing Obama in the photo as wearing "traditional Somali clothing." Maggie, sweetie, if you'd done just a minute's worth of Googling you would find the AP story describing Obama's visit to the northeastern KENYA town of Wajir in 2006, where he was presented the robe. It's Kenya, Maggie, not Somalia. Brush up on your geography, hon. And maybe next time, if you are going to make shit up on the spot like this, you pick a country that doesn't have a critical mass of Islamic extremists in it. Oh, and stop your whining about "inflaming passions and distracting voters" when it was your very Clinton campaign that was the source of the hoax e-mail last December claiming Obama to be a Muslim "intent on destroying the United States." You have no right to be outraged any more, Clinton people. Just go out gracefully already, and people will forgive you. Otherwise, expect not only to lose and lose badly, but to get placed next to Rudy Giuliani in the dustbin of political history.
The more I read about Obama and his policy positions the more I like him. He is a man with fantastic ideas - the environment, economy AND health care (see his website) who can get shit done. Hillary Clinton knows health care, I'll give her that. She has a credible plan, too. The problem is, her style betrays an unfortunate NON-ability to get shit done, i.e. passed. Her bills she sponsored in the Senate are unimpressive at best, and none of her sponsored bills concerning health care passed in the Senate. She voted for the authorization to go to war in Iraq, THEN voted against the Levin amendment demanding further diplomacy before deciding to invade. Her "35 years" of experience are a record of failure and bad foreign policy decisions. Her shrill and ridiculous assertions of Obama's Rove-like tactics are laughable and wrong. It was her campaign that was the source of the hoax emails. Is this how it's going to be, Hillary? Slime your opponent, then blame him for slimy tactics. Everyone is seeing this for what it is, and frankly it's sad and upsetting to see a competent candidate go down like this. And, if she's not careful, she will bring down not only herself but Obama and, along with them, the only real opposition to George W. Bush's and John McCain's ruling fascists we have left, the Democratic Party.
The only thing sad about all of this is the fact that Matt Drudge is taken seriously at all.
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