We need to vigorously support this man and travel to swing states to get him elected if need be. Right now you can donate money to his campaign - here is the
link. I am taking election day and the day after off from work. I plan on traveling to Ohio to canvass neighborhoods wherever MoveOn wants me to go. I hope to bring friends. I want to get this out there now, so that we can get it through our heads, and early, that this election day is the final stand we make to keep this country free of fascism and state terror. I am a gay man fearing for the well-being of my boyfriend and myself if McCain gets elected/installed as President of the United States a year from now. I fear for my family, every one a Democrat; for my fabulous gay and lesbian friends; for the LGBT community in general. This is not something I can stay on the sidelines for, so I am asking everyone reading this to take action.
Really, it's serious this time.
[Update]: And please, Barack, stop calling John McCain a 'hero' in the present tense. He is a hero to nobody. He is a political coward, and he will do and say anything to appeal to the right-wing (who are anything BUT conservative, by the way) of his miserable, pathetic American Fascist Party. The world has seen too many fascists come to power, only to destroy everyone and everything standing in their way. No more.
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