Why stop there? The entire organization known as the Republican Party is a fraud. It's a fraud perpetrated on three hundred million people for some thirty years now, wreaking havoc on the economy, health care and the environment. John (McCoot) McCain is just the latest exhibit in the long list of freak shows that manage to attain political power, get attention and acquire legitimacy by the idiotic, unquestioning mainstream media.
The NY Times piece detailing his involvement with Vicky Iseman is just one example of many in which he cavorts quite comfortably with corporate lobbyists. He campaign staff is crawling with lobbyists everywhere. Anyone who buys his tale of being anti-lobbyist and giving no favors to them is a complete fool. The Washington Post has the best and most credible stories on his history with lobbyists and makes the better point that he is not the anti-lobbyist "maverick" after all. You can read about it here and here. By the way, his denials really only refer to the "inappropriate" relationship with Iseman, meaning sex. He is not denying his history with lobbyists at all. This is typical of how the story gets played: all about the sex, nothing about the inherent problems and conflicts of interest of having lobbyists follow you around your campaign on corporate jets. It's all in the past, so who cares? Fuck this shit. If he somehow manages to squirm his way into becoming President I will be making plans to move to Canada. You just watch the fascism come streaming in like a flood. Gays? Minorities? Fuck them all, we've got a thousand-year Reich to resurrect in Iraq, and oh by the way prepare for less jobs and no health care because the President doesn't know shit about the economy. The environment? Well that was all nice to talk about during the campaign, but frankly we have more important things to worry about like building an empire. This pasty old wife-beating, war-mongering crazy piece of shit will fuck all of us. He is a nightmare waiting to become real.
[Update: Oh, and by the way, Cindy McCain is no friend of women's progress. This vile Stepford Wife of the Desert deserves no less scorn than her husband. Her attack on Michelle Obama's botched but sincere praise of America's racial progress was vicious and petty to say the least, a cheap shot sure to rally all the mouth-breathing "stand-by-your-man" types with nothing better to do than wait for dog-whistle signals like these to stir them. Fuck you, Cindy, you gold-digging witch.]
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