Monday, September 01, 2008

More reason to believe McCain-Palin is anti-women: McCain's sick joke

This needs to be repeated over and over again for anyone contemplating voting for this sick fuck, John McCain. He once told a joke at a Senate fundraiser in June 1998: 

"Why is Chelsea Clinton so ugly? Because her father is Janet Reno."

The link to the story is here. It needs to be repeated word for word, over and over again. This misogynistic fuck needs to be taken down before we all suffer a long, hard 8 years, possibly worse than the last 8.

Who Will Play Miss Congeniality Palin on SNL?

Apparently the American Fascist Party (known commonly by the masses as the 'GOP') can nominate a Stepford wife for VP and then claim you are sexist and anti-woman if you don't support her. Right out of Karl Rove's playbook! The selection of Sarah Palin by old John McCoot to be his running mate is an absolute insult: to women in particular, for her inflexible anti-abortion stance (yes, even in cases of rape and incest -- wake up, Hillary supporters!) but also to everyone else because she is so. fucking. unqualified! But of course this matters not a whit to the AFP. She's the Clarence Thomas of women and so she fits their fucked-up ideology just fine. And what better way to undermine women's issues than to elect a woman who will do away with them, all the while posing as a 'tough lady.' Hillary Clinton she is not.

I really fear a McCain-Palin presidency. She almost makes Bush look good.