Monday, October 16, 2006

RUN, elephant, RUN

See Iraq For Sale. Then ask yourself how these horrors were allowed to happen, and why, and why nothing is being done to stop the C.A.C.I.s, Blackwaters, Titans, and Halliburtons of this world.

Republicans are destroyers of hope, of joy, of life.
Republicans are killers.
Republicans are death.
Republicans are sickening.
Republicans are aliens from Hell.
They seek power for power's sake.
They have no soul.
They are small.
They are criminals.
They are cowards.
They are ghouls.

People, you need to watch "Iraq for Sale: The War profiteers," then go out and tell everyone you know to do so. Then run, RUN to the polls November 7th and vote them out. Done.

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