Thursday, April 19, 2007

Blacksburg: We Have No Right To Be Shocked

How many times does this need to happen before we wake up? I'm so pissed off at headlines shouting Evil! Maniac! Sicko! (read NYPost, FoxNews, + other various Murdochian amphibian outlets) describing this guy Cho. Oh, pleeeease! Yeah, he was pathetic, miserable and a sociopath, I get it. Oh yeah, he was also a young male. Ooooh, that was not supposed to happen! Fucking fuck of all fuckosity, just stop the moralizing blather about how heinous this was, because we've seen it before, way too many times.

For Christ's sake, it's about our pathetic lack of any sensible gun laws -- and I'm just talking state level, never mind anything on the federal level! We just let a ban on assault weapons expire, and for what? You can't even sue gun companies, or check records to see if suspected terrorists have bought guns. The stupid NRA is way too organized and has stopped way too many common-sense measures from becoming law. Politicians have cowed to them like sheep and the result is 30,000 gun homicides per year in this country. This is embarrassing let alone shameful. In Virginia, you can buy a gun with no questions asked once you turn twelve -- TWELVE! Does not the Brady Law apply here? Someone educate me.

In 2004 not one major Democratic candidate brought up gun control as an issue, and I was starting to believe we should just drop it in order to win some western mountain states like Montana. But no, as long as we look the other way when someone acts suspicious, as long as we only just denounce instead of look for ways to prevent gun violence, this will continue. And it will get worse. So, what I'm looking to see from Obama, Clinton, Edwards et. al. is sensible gun control proposals that go beyond Brady and actually address where all guns are sold, namely gun shows. Where, of course, there is a loophole to the Brady Law. We already know Decider-Monkey Bush will have no part in fixing this problem -- his "solution" is to arm everyone. As if that would solve the problem of protecting yourself in a split second against someone armed with a semi-automatic weapon already pointed at you. Fucking should-have-been-impeached-by-now idiot.

Should we be shocked? Yeah. Can we be, at this point? Memo to most major media: no, no, no! Get on with talk about gun control -- hint: we need it. The Second Amendment is BUNK!

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