Tuesday, March 24, 2009

A Word on the Strip-Search Article

I'm still reeling from that Times article. My first take on it is that this scares me. The persons calmly defending the school's actions toward this poor girl are disgusting scraps of human filth. No, they are not human. I can't stress how much this freaks me out. What if my neice went through this same ordeal? If I ever found out such a thing happened I would personally drive to her school, find the parties involved physically hurt them.

I find the tone of this article much much too calm. How can anything like this happen here? What if the Supreme Court finds for the defendants? What more harm will this fucking destructive culture do in its unquenching thirst for control -- of our bodies, our landbases, our minds, our souls? How do we stop this?

How do we want to live?

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