Wednesday, October 02, 2019

At What Cost?

What more proof of a sham ideology does one need than in that of the Republican Party? The naked lies go unchallenged, the blatant corruption and lawbreaking unquestioned by these loathsome sycophants to power. But why? Simple logic would tell us that their ideology of unfettered capitalism and predatory neo-liberalism just doesn't hold up to the smell test when such reprehensible behavior is not just tolerated but strongly defended (fuck you, Lindsey Graham and Moscow Mitch McConnell) so that Dear Leader can be propped up to sign their odious, economic royalist bills into law.

So, then, Trump-support can then be seen as evidence of how truly indefensible their ideology is, when the cost of it is ending the Republic, no?

They have NO ONE after Trump. Absolutely no one. God save us all.

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