Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Hillary Clinton Political Suicide Watch, Day 85

So now it's mentioning assassinations in June. At this point it's not really worth bothering to note HRC's pratfalls. She and her campaign have left reality and are edging closer to Bush levels of looniness. It would be fine to just let the rest of the primaries happen without much fuss and fanfare, but that's never how it is -- she just has to keep saying stupid things along the way. Florida, Michigan, Robert Kennedy in June, Zimbabwe. This would be fine, but she keeps saying that she's the better candidate who would be the better president. Uh -- no, dear, you would not. And as she has created tens of millions of supporters who want her to fight on, as long as she creates the possibility of fighting on, of making it sound like the Obama campaign wants to "shut the race down," how does one suppose these Clintoniacs will ever get on the Obama bandwagon? Because when--if?--Clinton actually does concede it will sound less believable the more she fights on like this. What is the thing that "clinches" the nomination at this point? She'll win Puerto Rico, and of course it will somehow be a "huge" victory, and then what -- Montana and South Dakota get to vote, she loses, it's...over? Oh, but Those States Don't Count...What About Michigan And Florida (where both candidates weren't allowed to campaign and where in Michigan Obama wasn't even on the ballot)? Oh, but Michigan and Florida DO count, are more important and MUST be seated fully. Or else. Hello, Hillary, Manchuria is calling. It wants its candidate back.

If this shit goes to the convention we will lose...everything. Say good-bye to our Constitution, say hello to permanent war in Iraq, Iran, Syria, Afghanistan, Pakistan and who knows how many more countries. Say good-bye to legal abortions, say good-bye to decent health care, say good-bye to a decent standard of living. Say hello to jack-booted, brown-shirted thugs kicking down our doors, taking names, torturing us and "disappearing" us when we least expect it. You liked George W. Bush? You'll LOVE John Sidney McCain The Third. Count on it.

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