Wednesday, December 02, 2009

Of Bigots and Liars

What is it about a rainy day in December? Nothing can seem to go right. Today the NY State Senate voted down Marriage Equality with a vote of 24-38. Thirty-eight bigots, liars and cowards. Every single Republican (fascist) voted against, even after some had signaled they would vote for. What a surprise. No, it's the eight Democrats that should be given special mention here, for it is they that need to be fed to the wolves next year. Hopefully, it happens in the primaries, but failing that I see no reason to ever lift a fingerto help them get re-elected. Fuck them. What good is our 1-seat majority if we get this shit?

Ruben Diaz -- he, of some sorry-ass section of the Bronx -- is the prime target as far as I'm concerned. This bigot actually has the gall to deny he is a bigot, and then by arguing so forcefully against giving married gay people the hundreds of rights and financial incentives straight couples get, actually ends up defining what a bigot is.

This is why I hate religion.

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