Saturday, December 05, 2009

On Political Anger

In looking back at the disgusting NY State Senate vote killing marriage equality, I've noticed my anger was directed more at the Democrats who voted against it than the Republicans. Maybe it's because I've written off all Republicans from ever doing the right thing, and so why bother with anger at this point. Maybe I'm angry because we lost even with a Democratic majority, and at the fact that 8 Democratic traitors voted to ruin gay marriage for the foreseeable future. 8 out of 32. A full quarter of the Democratic caucus in what should be a progressive state! A troubling number, to be positive, but still a small minority.

My anger at Republicans has transformed into a numb resignation. They are totally incapable of coming up with viable solutions to almost every major problem. Dude -- they vote as a fucking bloc! My violent frustration is with the handful of Democrats -- those members of the only opposition party there is to the madness of Republicanism -- who would vote in such an abhorrent way. We kept assuring ourselves of a blissful future if only Democrats could re-take the majority in Congress in 2006. Well, we got what we wished for, only to be let down time and time again with vote after vote keeping the war in Iraq going indefinitely, enabling Bush to spy on Americans and basically kowtowing to every Republican filibuster threat. Clearly we didn't get a progressive majority by any stretch of the imagination.

Who or what are we angry at? Are we more upset at the 8 Democrats in the NY Senate that voted to continue 2nd-class status of gays, or at the 30 Republicans who we just KNOW won't give a shit about us gays? And why? Or are we upset that this even has to be an issue -- that in 5 other states (NH is set to be legal in January) gays can marry legally but in the state that has been the home and birthplace of much progressive change it still can't happen? "Those 8 traitor Democrats!" we scream. And what about the 30 Republicans, none of whom have been called out on their bigotry? Where is their day of reckoning?

I think maybe my anger is more and more becoming directed at the fact that the Republican party is being allowed to survive and especially be perceived as credible opposition. This anger is likely motivated by the fear that today's Republicans could ever be in the majority again and be able to wreak utter destruction the likes of which we have not seen.

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