Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Vote Today - Don't Let Republicans Win

Well, here we go. This is it. Are we going to wake up to a fascist country tomorrow or will the Republicans lose? It's that simple.

I am worried about these Republican "robo-calls" having an effect on the outcome. I'm already hearing about voter suppression, long lines and people voting on electronic machines for the Democratic candidate and having the Republican one show up as voted for. This is eery.

I read a good post about how most so-called "conservative" Republicans aren't really conservative at all but simply just authoritarian. These tactics definitely prove Republicans can't win on their merits but have to rely on fear, smears and breaking the law to get the results they want. Why do people fall for it? How dumb a society are we getting? The media is no help, obviously. They report races are "tightening" because that makes for a better story line. Keith Olberman of MSNBC is the only one in the so-called mainstream media (more like corporate-owned talking heads masturbating to power) reporting on Republican dirty tricks and giving voice to those who'd like to spread the word.

Republicans, you are masturbating, meth-dropping cowards. We know what you're really about and we're not afraid. We're about life, you're about death.

More posts throughout the day.


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