Wednesday, November 08, 2006

We Won.

This is what democracy looks like, people. We got the House and the Senate, and it feels good.

We have power. OhMyGodJesusFuckingChrist we have power! Nancy Pelosi is going to be Speaker of the House. Harry Reid, Senate Majority Leader. Like that. And we did this. Us! You, me, Alexis, Jeff, Jacque, Jen, Jen, Jen, Bill, Alexis... We voted, we called people, told them to vote, they voted and called other people. It was a flood. It really worked this time.

This is unreal, this is unimaginable that we have some power now. In every sense of the word, it is awesome.

I was overwhelmed last night watching it happen at the Urge, watching our hopes come to fruition as asshole after asshole went down in flames. When the words "CNN PROJECTS HOUSE WIN" came on the screen I was in tears. I never expected to take the Senate, though. Thank you for being optimistic, Alexis, it took a while but we did it.

Thank you MoveOn, thank you Air America, especially Randy Rhodes , Jeanine Garofalo and Al Franken. Thank you Greg Pallast, Molly Ivins, and Katrina vanden Heuvel . This has been such a long, hard road. On to '08, I know. There's a hell of a lot of work to do and shit to clean up, I know -- but let's savor this moment.

Paul Wellstone , wherever you are -- this win's for you!

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