Thursday, March 13, 2008

Hillary Clinton and Elliot Spitzer: The Real Manchurian Candidates

As if her candidacy weren't already poisonous enough for the Democrats' chances to take back the White House, now we have Geraldine Ferraro spouting off about how lucky Obama is that he is black. Yes, Congresswoman Ferraro, you are racist, you bitter old fuck. And no, Obama doesn't need or want you doing any fund-raising for him, as if he needed your "help."

It's as if Hillary Clinton's people have no idea what's at stake. We have a runaway fascist government doing their damnedest to bankrupt the country and shred the Constitution, while this loser does their bidding by effectively saying, oh no, Democrats, look over here at poor ol' victimized me, not at the crimes being committed in our name every day. No, no, Obama is the one we should be scorning, NOT hundred-years in Iraq McCoot or war criminal Chucklenuts. And all you can say, Senator Clinton, is that this is "regrettable?" What, no denouncing and rejecting the Congresswoman altogether, as you have demanded Obama do with never-before-been-seen-with Farrakhan? You small, pathetic power-hungry person. You, Senator Clinton, will one day see the mess you've made, how small you've made yourself by the lies and deceptions you've told to get people like myself to pull that lever for you. You will one day come to realize your betrayal of all those Americans clamoring for real change when all you had to give them was lies and whispering campaigns of your Democratic opponent. When you come to realize what you've done, maybe a conscience somewhere within you will creep up and you can begin to come to terms with the pain you have caused. Maybe, but I'm not counting on it.

There are many women qualified for President I would vote for over Obama, among them Barbar Boxer, Elizabeth Edwards, Kathleen Sibelius. You once had the potential to be on that list, given Obama's imperfect voting record and misstatements about funding the Iraq War. You have proven to be the worse choice, politically to the right of Obama on foreign policy, civil liberties and the environment. Experience? Nope, not when it's the wrong kind. And now this. Maybe you and Elliot Spitzer can get together someday, when you've both been drubbed out of office and out of power, and realize how much you both lost your way. Maybe you've both never had it to begin with, but I'll give you the benefit of the doubt, because deep within the power-hungry exterior of you both lie intelligent, engaged citizens that want to have an impact on society. And unlike the sociopath we currently have in the White House you both have shown your capacity to at least try to do some good. This is why it's betrayal.

Farewell to you both, Hillary and Elliot. Some day maybe you will realize that it's not about you.

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