Sunday, March 09, 2008

To Hillary Clinton: I'm Through With You

Dear Senator Clinton:

I joined your campaign for the Senate against Rick Lazio in 2000, and volunteered enthusiastically from the summer right up until November. I logged phone calls for you, transcribed speeches you gave upstate, and even got the chance to meet you in person and shake your hand. You impressed me then, and I was happy to see you get elected and serve our state, the state of New York.

I no longer support you. I will not support you in your continued career as New York Senator nor for your candidacy for President of the United States. You have sunk to new lows in your primary contest with Barack Obama. You have used tactics that have made Karl Rove and the rest of the heap of shit that is the Republican Party proud. You are basically one of them now. You have given your bigoted campaign staff and advisers free reign to attack Obama's race (desaturating, darkening and stretching his image in one your detestable lie-athon ads) and lie about his religion. You have allowed this to happen, and therefore you are no better than they are. You have now joined Joe Lieberman, Zell Miller and, as far as I'm concerned, Strom Thurmond in the hall of Democratic traitors who have given aid to or become one of the fascists in our midst - the terrorist organization known as the Republican Party. Congratulations, Senator.

You are a fraud. You are a phony. You are a wolf in sheep's clothing, a White Male Republican in a woman's body willing to destroy everything and everyone to get your way.

I will never vote for you, as President or Senator. All your campaign promises of universal health care, energy independence, blah blah - they mean nothing because you will never be elected President of the United States, you will only succeed in turning two-thirds of the American public against you and you will blow up the Democratic Party, the only effective opposition to the American Fascist Party known colloquially as the "GOP."

I cannot trust you. I do not trust you. I will never trust you. Ever. I loathe you.

Good bye, Senator. Nice knowing you. And yes, you really are a monster.

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