Friday, March 14, 2008

Hillary Clinton Political Suicide Watch, Day 10

I am starting an ongoing daily diary of the stunts Hillary Clinton and her campaign thugs are pulling to try to take down what should otherwise be a very good year for those would want to end eight years of fascist rule, a.k.a. Democrats. In a very short period of time Hillary Clinton has transformed into a mean, ugly white male fascist monster incapable of nothing but attacking her main rival in the Democratic Party with lies, smears and whisper campaigns, all the while fueling the new American Fascist Party headed by current nominee John McCain.

I'm calling this day 10, the first day being the day after the March 4th primaries, when everyone realized in horror the depths that team Clinton had sunk to in order to "win."

Let's take a look at some recent zingers by the likes of Jabba the Hutt Mark Penn and his knee-capping sidekick Howard Wolfson, as well as some unsavory and passive-aggressive assists by newly "free-lanced" surrogate and racist, former Congresswoman Geraldine Ferraro. Yesterday we heard from big fat piece of shit Penn that winning Pennsylvania is an absolute must to win the election. Douchebag, Obama's shown he can win by picking up Virginia, Nevada, Colorado and Missouri, while Hillary loses in New Hampshire. Nice try. Oh, yes, I almost forgot - there was that bitter old white asshole Ferraro spouting off how very lucky Obama was to be black, saying it over and over and over again. And then there's the tale of Hillary picking off superdelegates and Obama pledged delegates, while Obama continues to pick up more superdelegates. What a way to get people to vote for you. What, no big ideas, no nice slogans, no vision for the country, no real progressive agenda? No, of course not, these would be Obama's domain. You just like to talk tough, don't you Senator? You kneecap Obama, Jeff Gillooly-style, then claim you're the victim and it's Obama's fault.

So, I guess this suicide mission continues. Calling Hillary Clinton a political coward at this point seems to be the best thing one could say about her. She's certainly trying on the racist Southern strategy for size and applying it to the even more racist Appalachia. It fits you well, Senator, now maybe you could try channeling Jesse Helms for some more tips on how to blow that dog whistle to scare more white people away from Obama.

We're onto you, Senator. You're days of cheap stunts and racist smears are numbered. We're waiting for you, Senator, and should you cajole and coerce your way to the nomination we are ready to pounce. And pounce hard we will. I have news for you, Senator: you're not going to like it.

To paraphrase a scene in The Shining: "Oh, Hillary?"..."Yes?"..."You got a big surprise coming to you - go check out the future scenario of Clinton versus McCain in the fall of 2008 and you'll see what I mean. Go check it out. GO CHECK IT OUT!" Hysterical laughter ensues.

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