Thursday, April 17, 2008

Charlie Gibson and George Stephanopoulos: Go Fuck Yourselves

So add two more corporate hacks to the pile of people who just don't give a fuck about what ails this country, and don't bother to ask either Democratic candidate questions about what either of them will do about said ailments. Ailments such as, oh I don't know, the disastrous and unsustainably expensive occupation in Iraq, global climate change, our tanking economy. Of course, to them the only issues that matter are lapel pins (made in China, by the way), bowling scores, not raising the tax rate of Charlie Gibson's precious capital gains and 60's radicals. Not one fucking thing that's relevant to what's going on today.

These two pissants actually believe they are doing Really Serious Journalism. Shame on any American for taking them seriously, and shame on Hillary Clinton for going along with and egging on these attacks that came straight from Karl Rove. Now we have the likes of Gibson, Russert, Mattews and yes, Katie Couric bending over backwards to frame all questions asked of Obama (let's face it, he'll be the goddamned nominee) as the "Republican" party would want them framed.

Who needs the Republican attack machine when you have freak shows like last night's debate? Who needs Swift Boaters? Hell, why don't we just install John McCain as President right now and do away with all of the nonsense? Go right ahead, America! "Elect" John McCain, see what you get. Do you like Bush? 'Cuz you'll LOVE John McSame! Hmm, you say you think the Iraq war was a mistake and think we should get out soon. Well of course, elect John McCain and you'll get the opposite. The economy? Oh now please you can't possibly think it will get any better as long as we're spending ten billion dollars a week throwing it away in Iraq, with nothing to show for it? Of course, the solution to that is electing John McCain to spend even MORE money there, for an even longer period, with war in Iran thrown in for good measure. Is that what you want, America? GO AHEAD AND DO IT! I FUCKING DARE YOU!

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