Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Hillary Clinton Political Suicide Watch, Day 29

Harold Ickes. Who the fuck is this douchebag? First of all, the name. Ickes. It's pronounced IK-eez. Yeah, no shit. Fucking arrogant, entitled white people strike again. Now it's Hillary Clinton's adviser and long-time friend Ickes going to the superdelegates and telling them that Jeremiah Wright could be an issue, just so ya know, wink wink nod nod. Fuck you, you icky bastard. Why not just lay it out on the table? What is it that everyone's so afraid of? Well, what the Clinton people are afraid of is that people will think Jeremiah Wright is too "black" for them and won't vote for Obama because of this guilt-by-association bullshit. It's exactly the same bullshit the network media is pushing, and now it's got the Clinton people all scared. Fuck this shit. Let Obama run and let him tell his story. No one can honestly believe that Obama is responsible for what his former pastor has said. This whole fucking episode reveals the inherent racism of Clinton's campaign staff. DID YOU NOT LISTEN TO OBAMA'S ELOQUENT AND GROUNDBREAKING SPEECH ON RACE? DO YOU NOT YET GET THAT WE REALLY DO HAVE TO TALK ABOUT RACE IN THIS FUCKING COUNTRY?!

Not only do the Clintons not understand the positive, electric, organic, inspiring phenomenon that is Barack Obama's candidacy they are actively trying to undermine it. And they have no shame. No. Fucking. Shame. I don't care what the polls say about match-ups with Don McSame at this point. The fact is that a united Democratic Party behind Barack Obama will carry him to the presidency. Period.

Democrats as a party have got to start having debates on the fundamental tenets of American Fascist -- also popularly known as Republican -- philsophy. Especially on matters of foreign policy, i.e. "national security" which is anything but these days. No, John McCain, you are NOT qualified to be president on ANY metric, ESPECIALLY matters of foreign policy and national "defense." It is precisely your views on this topic which relegate you to the loony bin. Your view, Senator, is that every international crisis is to be solved by dropping American bombs on other countries and then invading and occupying them. I'm sorry, but when you break your arguments down to the basics and get down to what the reality of them imply, that is what you are saying. This is nothing short of suicide, and we are seeing it now played out in Iraq. And you want to stay there for the next one hundred to ten million years? Of course, this philosophy of bomb first, ask questions later is boilerplate "Republican" philosophy, isn't it, Senator? And you are merely just following orders from on high up the Bush totem pole aren't you, Senator? You're as much as a maverick as I am King of Antarctica, you warmongering bastard.

But no, the media and Hillary Clinton and John McCoot and George W. Bush would have everybody believe that the only "serious" foreign policy is a pro-war, pro-US empire blame-everyone-else foreign policy. What, you don't believe me? Go turn on CNN and MSNBC and PBS and NPR, National Pentagon Radio, and you'll see who they qualify as Very Serious People talking foreign policy. If they are anti-Iraq War, they are not "serious." If they are pro-war but criticize the "tactics" they are serious. This, despite two-thirds of the country feeling that the Iraq war was a mistake.

With each passing day, Obama gains more delegates than Clinton. And yet it is Obama that gets treated like he's got to "prove" something. Got Racism?

Clinton's shenanigans are nothing short of cowardice. Must act like White men, they say. Everyone will vote for McCain if Obama's the nominee because he is not White enough. Well then, for fuck's sake, let them. Let's see who in November is truly racist, and let's out them. Let's also see if enough racists exist out there to nudge General McCoot into office. If that's the case, if Obama, with all the right remedies that ails this country, in line with all the negative opinion about the Iraq occupation and a plan to get us out, in line with most all of public opinion on almost any given issue - and given the fact that a generic Democrat beats a generic Republican by 15 points in polls - if after all that Americans still vote for a third Bush term and for a crazy old white guy, then you can have your fucking country, American citizens, because I want out. The government can thus commence its Official Fascism and purge all the undesirables from the population. Uh, for all you dense motherfuckers, that would be gays, progressives, intellectuals, certain undesirable African Americans -- you know, the ones that act too "black." Sianara, land of the free, home of the brave. Well, actually, we're not really home of the brave, since everyone is afraid of the latest fake terror threat, gay marriage or of the black pastor of the week. Or all of the above, it doesn't really matter. Everyone is just afraid.

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