Monday, April 14, 2008

Hey Chris Matthews, How Was Your Breakfast at the RITZ?

One's immediate reaction to the drivel passed off for political discourse in the media these days could quite justifiably be anger. Or instant psychosis, take your pick - I don't really care. When Chris Matthews derided Obama for passing up coffee for orange juice at an Indiana diner last week it was the epitome of stupidity, i.e. what passes for news in the minds of some network suits. No, not that the top members of the Bush administration personally signed off on specific types of torture. No, that would be relegated to page A17 of the New York Times and NEVER talked about on cable news. But Obama being bad at bowling and drinking orange juice: THAT's front page news!

Chris Matthews is no more qualified to talk about what "regular folks" (NOT college students, THEY don't count, of course, in his mind) think and talk about than he has the ability to be critical of John McCain. Well, how could he, living in a bubble, staying and eating every day at the Ritz Carlton Hotel, in NEW YORK CITY? Hey Chris, I'd like to know the contents of your breakfast and if any of them included any citrus juice, you elitist fuck.

Really it's getting hard to get angry at this shit any more because it is happening ALL THE FUCKING TIME. Rather the appropriate response would be to make fun of people like Matthews ever single time he or anyone like him comments on such trivialities this way. Is this how Election '08 is going to be covered from now on, is this how it's going to be? Because really, we should just give it up and declare crazy John McCoot pres'nit already. What's the point of campaigning at all, or even DISCUSSING any real issues. It's all about the ORANGE JUICE! How could I have forgotten?

Here's the clip of Tweety at his best:

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