Monday, February 04, 2008

Ann Coulter Will Endorse: Hillary Clinton!

I don't know if this is really what she thinks (as much as Ann Coulter can think) but here it is on Fox News. Assuming John McCain is the de facto Repug nominee come Feb. 5th, what with winner-take-all primaries in most states and the momentum that goes with a formidable lead in delegates, and it's a fairly safe assumption at this point, America's hate-iest hater, Ann Coulter, will campaign for Hillary Clinton. Or so she says.

This is either the most stunning news in modern political history or it's a complete fake-out on the part of the Fox News Channel. I suspect it's the latter, because they are afraid that Obama might win tomorrow (God I hope he does!), and so by pulling this obvious stunt they get more people to vote for Hillary because, and this is where it gets tricky -- they think that we will see this "endorsement" of Hillary by Ann Coulter as an obvious stunt, an attack on Hillary, and it will rally people behind her out of hatred for Ann Coulter. And presto -- Hillary gets more votes Feb. 5th, making her the de facto nominee against McCain, which is exactly what they want.

Only, I don't think this will work, or at least not have any affect whatsoever. NO ONE WATCHES THE FAUX NEWS CHANNEL ANY MORE! No one cares what the fuck they think because people know it to be the fraudulent propaganda machine for the Republican Party that it is, NOT a credible outlet for news.

Nice try, assholes!

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