Tuesday, February 12, 2008

GOP: The New American Fascist Party (AFP)

I will hereby be calling all Republicans in our federal government Fascists. Fascists with a capital F, that is. They no longer get to call themselves 'Republicans' because they no longer represent anything close to a republican form of government. So, for instance, when I refer to our President (Prez, POTUS, fuckwad, if you will), "George W. Bush," I shall forever attach the word 'fascist' to it, whether it precedes it or follows it. And no longer will I refer to the "Republican" party as such. It is now the "fascist party," the "American Fascist Party" or simply "AFP." No, there is no longer room at the table for these neo-Nazi bastards.

The time for niceties and politesse is over. This is nothing short of a tipping point. If this is not an argument for the complete and permanent marginalization -- nay, destruction -- of the thing we still call, after these seven long, miserable years, the "Republican Party," or "GOP," then I do not know what is. Let John "McCoot" McCain's nay votes stand in clear contrast to the yea votes of the true small-d-democrat Democrat left in this race, Barack Obama. Let no one doubt that Obama is the single best thing we have right now that we would call the 'opposition.' Hillary Clinton sold our her party, sold out her Senate career, sold out her candidacy and sold out her country by her feeble 'absent' vote on every single improvement to the abysmal FISA bill, the only Democratic senator to do so. She had no reason not to be there, as she was campaigning in the D.C. area. All bets are off after today. If she succeeds in getting the Democratic nomination for the candidacy of President of the United States of America, she will stand as feeble opposition to Mr. "Thousand-Year-War" McCoot.

The actions the Senate took today stand as an absolute failure of one branch of government to hold another accountable, what our civics and history books call "checks and balances." It stands as a testament to how much control corporations have over our government that they can literally dictate what laws get enacted. It stands as a testament to the utter failure of Bill Clinton's presidency for having had, without our realizing, a Deputy Attorney General, Jamie Gorelick, who today would be one of the corporate telecom lobbyists doing Bush's bidding. This is disgusting. This is the stuff that ruins opposition political parties. This is the stuff that ushers in mysterious knocks on doors late at night. This is the stuff of fascism.


Camulos said...

How Can we get in touch with your Party?


Camulos said...

sorry mail us at carter@dnsp.co.uk