Thursday, February 07, 2008

We Are About to Officially Become A Fascist Nation

I want to link a post on by mcjoan here, because I think she does an excellent job in laying out the stakes we face as the Senate now debates the amendments to the FISA bill. These five Democratic senators, and there may be more, depending on who fails to vote for what key amendments, should under no circumstances be supported in their re-election bids if they are running this November, no matter what:

Jay Rockefeller (WV)
Tim Johnson (SD)
Blanche Lincoln (AR)
Evan Bayh (IN)
Mary Landrieu (LA)

They are traitors to the Democratic Party, but more importantly traitors to their country. They have sold out American citizens so that the Bush thugs can spy on us with no accountability, and for that there is no forgiveness. They are the reason our Senate and Congress as a whole get such bad ratings -- it's because they do NOTHING to stop Bush's spying, fascist agenda from rolling forward and ruining our democracy. Mary Landrieu and Jay Rockefeller in particular will be the chief Democrats who will allow telecommunications companies to receive retroactive immunity for the laws they have broken in aiding Bush and his jack-booted thugs to spy on us with no impunity. How shameful. Good riddance to you five, you god-damned motherfucking traitors. You nasty-ass motherfuckers are no better than your fascist Republican counterparts. I expect to see one of the Senators Nelson, and maybe a Senator Salazar in the coming days who will also aid in this despicable FISA bill becoming law, stripping it of the crucial amendments that the good senators Feingold and Dodd and Whitehouse have added that would keep Americans safe from government spying and corporate law-breaking. You, senators, will have proven no better than the above five, and shall deserve the same rejection. Make no mistake: the Verizons and the AT&T's of this world are NOT patriotic companies in the least. They are aiders and abettors of the crimes of Bush and his regime.

This is despicable. Good luck to all of us when this bill becomes law.

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