Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Tim Russert: Kindly Go Fuck Yourself, You Fat Ugly Oaf

So what will it take to make you go away, Tim? A lifetime supply of McDonald's French Fries, you fat ignorant fuck? Your Jack Bauer fantasies about Iraqi puppets kicking us out of Iraq and faux-mysterious photos of Obama in traditional Kenyan clothing (it's an AP photo that was put out 6 FUCKING months ago!) show you to be the Matt Drudge-obsessed hack that you are. Both Hillary and Barack slammed you hard and called you out on your idiotic, baseless, picayune and childish shit you tried to trip them up on last night. Brian Williams, take note: you are not far from the bottom of this slime pit of journalism seen most strikingly these days on MSNBC; you showed your hackery last night by putting on the wrong video clip, then claiming it has any relevance to what type of president this makes one. But for the good Keith Olbermann, who didn't get his start in hard journalism at all but rather sports, this network is in danger of becoming the new Fox News Channel - all John McCain, all the time. Bet on it: once McCoot gets enough delegates to claim his nomination, this joke of a news channel will do all it can to help him out. All of the pro-Obama bias was just a ruse to get rid of Hillary Clinton. That is plain now. What is not clear is which Jabba the Hutt, Chris Matthews or Tim Russert, gets to jerk off John McCain the most. God, that visual is disturbing!

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