Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Police in America - Yet Another Fascist Institution

So I've been following the primary returns on my favorite blogs and other websites, and I've come across just one too many videos, YouTube and otherwise, of police brutality in all its naked ugliness.

People need to wake up to the fact that the police are NOT on our side, that the "serve and protect" motto is a complete and utter lie. Time and time again we see them abusing women, minorities, juveniles and others who are vulnerable but who make good arrest quotas that so often is the goal of sheriffs and chiefs who run the departments. Fuck them. NO ONE is safe any more. Police are only around to harass you, NOT to protect you. Anything else you may have been told is a lie. I see this every day on the streets of New York City. A city, by the way, notorious for its brutality and murder of racial minorities by the police. Police who, by the way, DO NOT come from the city but come from Long Island and points north, who think they own the city and everyone who actually live here. 

This, of course, is nothing new in our history. Many have written about the violent and sociopathic tendencies of many a cop. But now that I see raw footage of it on YouTube I get the feeling that this is NOT just some '60s tired old rant. The purpose of the police is ultimately to protect the powerful, if for no other reason than to protect the powerful. I've seen enough. And yes, there are a few exceptions, be them VERY rare and VERY precious few. Any time I see a cop I cringe, even if it's just a traffic cop or a meter cop. I am always hesitant to "call the cops" now when I sense danger, because I know that in too many cases, the victim is blamed, and this happens all too many times in rape cases. How dare they question a woman who has been raped, and ask if she "may have provoked it?" Yet all politicians of every party invariably stand with police as evidence of their being "tough on crime." More like tough on people who the police brand as criminals who "were asking for it." This is sexism/racism 101. Furthermore, one is more likely to be beaten by a white male cop in a city than to be mugged by mysterious and nefarious "brown" people. Fuck these racist fascist bastards.

For more intelligent discussion on the atrocities committed by the typical cop consult the work of Derrick Jensen. He has plenty of specific cases where minorities have been brutalized/killed JUST for being black. And I hear this all the time from African Americans I have worked with. I am sickened that they get pulled over just for being black. I am sickened by these videos. I am sickened that I have to show the contents of my backpack to some schmuck who wouldn't know a bomb from a banana. These assholes are in charge, though. They are specifically chosen for their sociopathic and sadistic tendencies. ALWAYS they have a grudge toward some specific person or type. ALWAYS they will treat you as if you are guilty, and never let you tell your side of the story. ALWAYS they will target minorities, and be typically white and typically male. This is the case in EVERY town and city in America. And almost ALWAYS they get away with a slap on the wrist for violating your civil rights. God-damn them.

Never trust a cop. Never.

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